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Quaker Focus Form Edit

This interface allows for the modification of previously submitted project details. Adjust any value as needed. To finalize changes, select the "Update" button.

Full name
Email Address
Short Description of the Case | Case Number
Venue State
Venue County / Counties
Specify the trial venue county or, alternatively, you may choose to specify multiple counties if you wish to expand the target venue beyond just the trial venue.
This will ensure the participant demographics accurately reflect the setting of your case.

Exclude participants that

Personal information to be collected

Plaintiff’s Opening Statement
This field is optional. If you prefer not to provide a summary at this moment, you may leave this section blank.
Our team will assist in preparing the brief summary based on the information available.
Defense Opening Statement
This field is optional. If you prefer not to provide a summary at this moment, you may leave this section blank.
Our team will assist in preparing the brief summary based on the information available.

Deposition and/or Statement Excerpts What Deposition and/or Statement would you like to include?

Other Evidence What other evidence would you like to include?
After submitting the form, you will redirected to a secured shared space to upload the documents.

Plaintiff Medical Overview / Evidence: This field is optional. If you prefer not to provide a summary at this moment, you may leave this section blank. Our team will assist in preparing the brief summary based on the information available.
Defense Medical Overview / Evidence
This field is optional. If you prefer not to provide a summary at this moment, you may leave this section blank. Our team will assist in preparing the brief summary based on the information available.

Liability Verdict Form Select from the list below or suggest other questions
Please note that it is recomended to select from the suggested examples below. If a suggested question aligns with your needs but you wish to modify some parts, simply select that question. You can easily adjust the text later on when the script will be sent for your approval.

Injury Verdict Form Select from the list below or suggest other questions
Please note that it is recomended to select from the suggested examples below. If a suggested question aligns with your needs but you wish to modify some parts, simply select that question. You can easily adjust the text later on when the script will be sent for your approval.

Damages Verdict Form
Past Medical Expenses (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Past Loss Income (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Future Loss Income (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Future Medical Expense (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Pain and Suffering (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Notes and Comments setting To improve your study review, we offer an option where participants can leave audio comments.
This lets you listen to their tone and inflection, providing more depth to their feedback. The default setting is to enable both text & Voice inputs.
Check the below if you want us to limit to voice only

De-identify Information We prioritize the privacy of all participants and individuals mentioned in the reported incidents.
You have control over how personally identifiable information (PII) is presented. Please review the options below and indicate your preference.
Default Option: De-identify Information
By selecting this option, you agree to have the personal information (such as names, date, and location of the accident) replaced with general terms (e.g., 'the plaintiff,' 'the defendant,' etc.) to prevent identification of the parties involved.

By selecting this alternative, you agree to select a staged name in place of real-world identities (such as ‘Mr. Williams,’ ‘Ms. Rodriguez,’ or ‘Dr. Kim’) to add a layer of personalization while protecting the true identities of the parties involved. This option is designed to combine realistic engagement with strong privacy measures, requiring participants to understand the use of fictional names for confidentiality purposes. By choosing this option, you agree to the presentation of personal information without modification. Please note that this option requires an explicit acknowledgment of the potential privacy implications.

Upload Your Files

Evidence Checklist Click “Choose File” to locate your file. Upon successful file selection, its name will appear next to the button.
Confirm the upload by clicking “Upload File". Repeat these steps for additional files as needed.

Choose File

Uploaded Files

Quaker Focus Deliverables

Select the the link below to access the file.

Quaker Focus Deliverables

Wait while the presentation loads

Frequently asked questions

My Submission History

This page provides an overview of your historical forms submissions. It includes the Short Description of the Case, its case number (if available) and submission timestamp for each entry. For modifications, use the "Edit" button to update the case form.

Focus Group Request Form

Here, you will provide us with the essential details to craft a tailored case presentation Please complete all sections with the information relevant to your case, and our team will carefully prepare your focus group case study.

Full name
Email Address
Short Description of the Case | Case Number
Venue State
Venue County / Counties
Specify the trial venue county or, alternatively, you may choose to specify multiple counties if you wish to expand the target venue beyond just the trial venue.
This will ensure the participant demographics accurately reflect the setting of your case.

Exclude participants that

Personal information to be collected

Plaintiff’s Opening Statement
This field is optional. If you prefer not to provide a summary at this moment, you may leave this section blank.
Our team will assist in preparing the brief summary based on the information available.
Defense Opening Statement
This field is optional. If you prefer not to provide a summary at this moment, you may leave this section blank.
Our team will assist in preparing the brief summary based on the information available.

Deposition and/or Statement Excerpts What Deposition and/or Statement would you like to include?

Other Evidence What other evidence would you like to include?
After submitting the form, you will redirected to a secured shared space to upload the documents.

Plaintiff Medical Overview / Evidence This field is optional. If you prefer not to provide a summary at this moment, you may leave this section blank. Our team will assist in preparing the brief summary based on the information available.
Defense Medical Overview / Evidence
This field is optional. If you prefer not to provide a summary at this moment, you may leave this section blank. Our team will assist in preparing the brief summary based on the information available.

Liability Verdict Form Select from the list below or suggest other questions
Please note that it is recomended to select from the suggested examples below. If a suggested question aligns with your needs but you wish to modify some parts, simply select that question. You can easily adjust the text later on when the script will be sent for your approval.

Injury Verdict Form Select from the list below or suggest other questions
Please note that it is recomended to select from the suggested examples below. If a suggested question aligns with your needs but you wish to modify some parts, simply select that question. You can easily adjust the text later on when the script will be sent for your approval.

Damages Verdict Form
Past Medical Expenses (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Past Loss Income (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Future Loss Income (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Future Medical Expense (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Pain and Suffering (Plaintiff will seek / Defense will suggest)

Notes and Comments setting To improve your study review, we offer an option where participants can leave audio comments.
This lets you listen to their tone and inflection, providing more depth to their feedback. The default setting is to enable both text & Voice inputs.
Check the below if you want us to limit to voice only

De-identify Information We prioritize the privacy of all participants and individuals mentioned in the reported incidents.
You have control over how personally identifiable information (PII) is presented. Please review the options below and indicate your preference.
Default Option: De-identify Information
By selecting this option, you agree to have the personal information (such as names, date, and location of the accident) replaced with general terms (e.g., 'the plaintiff,' 'the defendant,' etc.) to prevent identification of the parties involved.

By selecting this alternative, you agree to select a staged name in place of real-world identities (such as ‘Mr. Williams,’ ‘Ms. Rodriguez,’ or ‘Dr. Kim’) to add a layer of personalization while protecting the true identities of the parties involved. This option is designed to combine realistic engagement with strong privacy measures, requiring participants to understand the use of fictional names for confidentiality purposes. By choosing this option, you agree to the presentation of personal information without modification. Please note that this option requires an explicit acknowledgment of the potential privacy implications.
Your form has been submitted